Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Out of Breath (Breathing #3) by Rebecca Donovan

Out of Breath  (Breathing #3) by Rebecca Donovan
This is a NEW Adult romance novel (Rated NC-17)
(Three Evan Hearts)
Book Summary
Emma leaves Weslyn and everyone in it behind to attend Stanford University, just as she always intended. A shell of her former self, she is not the same girl. She is broken, and the only way that she’ll be whole again is through forgiveness. Emma must find a way to forgive herself and recognize her own worth before she can receive the love she deserves. This final installment will have readers holding their breath until the very last page.
My Review
Okay, I knew going in, with Emma at college there were going to be some changes to scenery, characters etc. But that doesn’t mean I had to like it. And I didn’t. Still, I must say this author pulled out all my emotions once again. I have to give her props for that. However, know that with a series that made me feels so much, in turn, I'll have much to say.
I missed Evan for most of the first half of the book. And I swear to you, I was wishing for Evan’s POV since he wasn’t with us. And was happy to find it but wish it came earlier. I guess the author had her reasons for waiting until almost the half of the book before he’s brought in, but still. I would have loved his POV earlier because honestly, the truths we got about what happened to him were so flimsy, I’m still not certain as too what all happened between Evan and Annalise. (sex?)
Sorry, I listened to this. Not sure of the spelling of names.
Anyway, the first half of the book was boring to me. And not because it didn’t have entertainment value. But the author has to anticipate that without Sara and Evan, the readers would be bored. She tried to draw me in and make me love Cole. And I swear, I almost did. But when he couldn’t deal with Emma’s freak out, I knew he wasn’t the one.
And was anyone else pissed that she was so free to have rabbit sex with Cole, yet Evan she couldn’t. Yes, I got it. All she had with Cole was sex. And it was meaningless for her and all it was to her was to make her feel and not feel. I got it. But damn it, she and Evan loved each other. And yes, sex complicates things. But who better to complicate it with than someone you love. Don’t preach to me. I know they didn’t want to hurt each other. But they were already hurting.
And the biggest pisser is that the Epilogue, which was a really a chapter in the book. Epilogue means that the author knows that the readers have patiently gone through the story to a poetic ending. And I got that too. She wanted an artistic ending. Yeah well, don’t piss on your fans and readers. They won’t follow you into another journey if they can’t trust you. And honestly, back on topic, an epilogue is a bonus. It’s an insight into the lead character(s) future that gives hope or a view on how things were. In romance, it’s using a HEA. Like let me see if they got married, going to get married, have kids or not. Where are they working or still going to school? We deserved that, yet that’s not what we got.
Sorry, I just wasn’t interested in her cousins. That wasn’t an insight into anything. I felt cheated. I went through this whole adventure with tears, rage, and everything in between and that’s what I got. I’m pissed the hell off and want a refund. I can’t recommend this series to anyone.
Audio Review
Kate Rudd continued to do a fabulous job of making me feel the story.
Overall, I’m unsure. My hope is the author comes back with another book. Even if it’s with another character so we can get the Epilogue we deserve. Learn from the author of Captive in the Dark. I loved her Epilogue and needed it for closure. Please, give us what we need.
My book boyfriend is Evan, but I’m giving you Cole.
View all my reviews

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