Sweet Blood of Mine ~ John Corwin
A young adult paranomal urban fantasy novel (Rated PG-13)
5 out of 5 stars
Book Summary
From Mega Nerd to Super Stud.
Justin Case and women do not mix. Man boobs, a love of Kings and Castles, and being tight with the "nerd" crowd certainly don't win him any points either. After rescuing Katie, his crush, it turns out she might not be the girl he thought she was, while Elyssa, the school's Goth Girl, turns out to be more. Can high school get any more confusing?
Determined to improve himself, he joins a gym and meets a sexy girl that just oozes a "come hither, Justin" vibe. Until she attacks him in the parking lot, and Justin realizes she's no ordinary girl but a being with supernatural speed and strength. After a narrow escape and an excruciating migraine headache, he wakes up with supernatural abilities all his own: speed, strength, and the ability to seduce every woman he sees.
While that might sound like the perfect combo for any hormonal teen, Justin is a hopeless romantic who wants his first time to be special. Is that too much to ask for? But he doesn't know what he is or how to stop his carnal urges. One thing is clear: If he doesn't find answers there are other more sinister supernaturals who would like nothing better than to make him their eternal plaything and do far worse than kill him.
My Review
I received an advance copy from the author for the purposes of review.
I’ve read several good books from indie authors and I’m
always surprised by the talent that is untapped by traditional publishers. But there are a select few that I consider
great. This book is one of those. I was pleasantly surprised by just how good
this book really was.
There is wit, with some grit. There is sass with a sprinkle of sexy. This is another book I’ve read about a
supernatural creature not seen much in young adult paranormal fiction. I can’t tell you what my darling Justin is as
it is a surprise that should be revealed in the reading.
Needless to say, the author does an amazing job at writing
and developing his characters. It’s not
often I read male characters written by male authors, although I do have
several in my favorite author list. But
often times, I read female writers. So
this book was certainly a treat. Justin is
a true “guy” in the authentic way I think only a “guy” writer can achieve. Yet, this book pulls on the heart strings the
way many women writers know how. Add
to that a heavy dose of sarcasm, and you have the makings for a best seller.
So do I recommend, heck yes.
Full heartedly. This will be one
of the books I run around and recommend to all my book lover friends. DON'T stop with my likeness with Justin. Following it is a character interview with Justin.
My book boyfriend is Justin. And for my followers who look forward to my choices, I chose guys that fit the profile of the character based on the story. This guys is cute and maybe not as hot as some of my other choices. But read the book and I think you will agree with my selection.

View all my reviews
INTERVIEW with JUSTIN conducted by Miley Morgan
The Justin Case Interview
[This is Miley
Morgan, chief editor and reporter extraordinaire for the Edenfield High
Illuminator newspaper. I've been investigating
Justin Case for the past few weeks, trying to figure out how in the world such
a nerdy loser has become one of the studliestguys in the school. You wouldn't believe the bizarre things that
I've seen just from camping outside his house every night with a pair of
night-vision binoculars, not to mention the very strange company he keeps. I see him coming out of his house now. Time for some answers. I charge from the bushes, notepad in hand.]
Justin: [Leaps about a foot in the air (obviously
nervous to be confronted by a real reporter).] Good lord, girl, you just scared
the crap out of me. [Looks around
furtively] Ugh! I just realized it's you I smell, not my
garbage can.
Me: Why are you so nervous? Is it because you're facing the Truthinator?
Justin: The what?
[Rolls his eyes.] Oh, I dunno,
maybe because a female who looks filthy enough to have been raised by wild
chipmunks just burst out of the hedges?
Me: I've been watching you, Justin. Did you know you've gone from mega nerd to
super stud quite literally in only a few weeks?
Justin: No, but that sounds like a cool blurb for a
Me: Get serious!
I'm the chief editor and lead reporter for the school newspaper and I
won't hesitate to expose you.
Justin: We have a school newspaper? [Scratches his head.]
Me: You've had some strange visitors to your
house lately.
Justin: Uh, so you've seen the cute blonde who's been
terrorizing me? Likes pink and purrs?
Me: As a matter of fact, I saw her here the other
day watching your house.
Justin: [visibly gulps]
Me: I've also seen her running incredibly fast
for a human. I might even call it
paranormal. But that doesn't compare to
what you did to that poor woman at the grocery store, or when you molested that
waitress at the Chinese restaurant—
Justin: [Waves his hands innocently (yeah
right).] But—but, I really didn't mean—
Me: There's no sense hiding the truth from me,
Justin. Two weeks ago you were chubby
and out of shape, not to mention a complete loser with girls. Now you suddenly have sexual super powers?
Justin: [Hangs his head and sighs. (I have him!)]
Yeah, I'd almost be willing to have my man boobs back instead of being stalked
by crazy vampire chicks—
Me: Did you just say vampires?
Justin: You said you wanted the truth, right? [Grabs my shirt and gets a crazy look in his
eyes.] I thought it'd be a great idea to
work out, you know, graduate from that B-cup manzier and XL pants to something
slimmer. Then this super-hot blonde girl
comes on to me at the gym and freaking attacks me in the parking lot! Her eyes were all like [He widens his eyes
and rolls them around. (I'm certain he's losing his mind.)] And then she slams me up against a car and
grabbed my—
Me: Most guys wouldn't complain about that!
Justin: I knew I should've stuck with Kings and
Castles. Life was so much simpler as a
level twelve Woodland Elf, running around and beating the crap out of nerds
with foam swords. [He sighs.] And I guess you know about the sexual super
Me: I've seen how women react around you. What are you using on these poor girls? Spanish flies? Chinese herbs?Godiva chocolate syrup?
Justin: [Shakes his head.] I don't know what it is. You already know about the woman in the meat
department and the waitress, but my female gym trainer almost deflowered
me! [He sits on his front steps with a
sad puppy-dog face (obviously a ploy to elicit sympathy).] But none of that matters.
Me: Wait a minute. You're a dude, a virgin no less, with sexual
super powers and you're not taking advantage of them?
Justin: There's only one girl I want. And she hates me.
Me: Are you talking about that Goth girl? Gross!
She's got enough piercings to construct a life-sized version of the
Eifel Tower.
Justin: No, that's not the real her. You wouldn't understand. Beneath all that makeup hides a beautiful
Me: [At this point I can tell he's in la-la land
just thinking about her. How
pathetic.] Just use your powers on her.
Justin: But it wouldn't be real. It wouldn't be true love.
Me: If I didn't know any better, I'd think you
were a Princess Bride fan.
Justin: [Nods.]
Me: You're obviously a hopeless romantic and a
wimp, so I have to ask: Team Edward or
Team Jacob?
Justin: [His forehead scrunches up like he's thinking
too hard.] Did you really just ask me
about Twilight? [Shrugs.] Team Harry Potter all the way.
Me: Answer avoidance. I see how it is. The correct answer would have been Team
Hunger Games.
Justin: [Face-palms.
(Obviously upset that he failed my litmus test.)]
I walk away from this sad young man, I can't help wonder if his troubles are
only just beginning. On the other hand,
I realize it's time to investigate some of the other strange people in his
life, starting with that Goth girl. Stay
tuned, folks! I'll break this story and
rock the school with a bigger scandal than the time they almost suspended a
football player for trying to kiss Katie Johnson.]
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